Cloud Computing Overview In any discussion of cloud computing, it’s important to start from the beginning and…
Resource Pooling – Cisco Cloud Computing
Resource Pooling Service providers rent their computing resources in an automated manner. They also have to be…
Exploring the Cisco UCS Server Environment – Cisco Describing Cisco UCS Abstraction
Exploring the Cisco UCS Server Environment The Cisco UCS uses hardware abstraction to provide flexibility, better utilization…
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Cisco Cloud Computing
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service, shown in Figure 21-8, is when the consumed…
Cisco UCS Service Profile Configuration – Cisco Describing Cisco UCS Abstraction
Cisco UCS Service Profile Configuration The service profile is a logical object in the Cisco UCSM that…
Cisco UCS Manager Overview – Cisco Describing Cisco UCS Abstraction
Cisco UCS Manager Overview In the Cisco UCS, the Cisco UCS Manager (UCSM) is the application that…
VMware vCenter Installation – Cisco Server Virtualization
VMware vCenter Installation In this section, we look at the steps required to install vCenter Server Appliance…
Virtual Machine Files – Cisco Server Virtualization
Virtual Machine Files A virtual machine consists of several types of files you store on a supported…
VMware ESXi Installation – Cisco Server Virtualization
VMware ESXi Installation In this section, we look at the steps required to install VMware ESXi hypervisor…